Posts tagged best London salons
Best Blondes

At Feel Hairdressers have three Wella Master colourists Heath, Gavin and Veronika. Part of the team working together to Create your perfect colour. 

We are often asked about the difference between balayage, highlights and babylights.

Balayage: Is a freehand colouring technique originating from France, this is usually better suited to lighter natural bases and mostly doesn't lift to a very white ash colour. This technique needs to be toned for the very best results and offers a more blended sun kissed result with mostly less regrowth.

Highlights: This method can offer a bigger colour change and colourists can achieve generally lighter results than balayage as the colour is placed in foil intensifying the result.

Babylights: This technique is also done in foils but the sections and fine to give a very natural result. 


New Salon

The salon at number 49 Berwick Street has been an extremely popular move with both our Clients and Team as we completely remodel our original site. We are working towards reopening 83 Berwick street towards the of 2019.

Until then the Feel Team look forward to welcoming to number 49 Berwick Street, this is the Oxford Street end.

Welcome to 49 Berwick Street.

Welcome to 49 Berwick Street.